SIMPLIFYING ADVENTISM: Mission, Cornerstone Doctrine, Theme, Identifying Mark & Unique Characteristic of SDA Chruch Through the Prism of Sola Scriptura

Monday, August 26, 2024

SDA Eschatology, Soteriology & Polity

SDA Eschatology, Soteriology & Polity

Historical Pre-Millennial:
Historicism is the Prophetic Porch from which the End Time Prophecies make sense.
[We reject Amillennialism, Post-Millennialism and Dispensationalism.]
*Daniel, living in the time of Babylon, sees the beasts rise out of the water in a specific order. From them stemmed the Little Horn Entity.
*John, living in the time of Rome, sees the beast as a mix of the ones of Daniel but lists them in backwards order.
This is the culmination as a mix of this entity as it held to many elements of the 4 nations it came out of.
(Babylon, Persia, Greece, Rome)
Daniel was looking forward in time
....from Babylon.
John was looking backward in time
....from Rome.
BOTH were seeing the same entity.
In other words--the Little Horn of Daniel and the Beast of Revelation seen of John are ONE and the SAME ENTITY--stretching down through history to the End of the Age.

Justification + Sanctification
Justification (Grace, Forgiveness) Neither do I condemn thee: 
Sanctification (Obedience, Holiness) go, and sin no more. 
John 8:11
Justification & Sanctification Simplified ---
God draws the BOUNDARIES with His LAW. 
When we step outside of them it's called SIN. 
(He offers JUSTIFICATION to remedy it). 
But afterwards He expects us to step back within those Boundaries (called SANCTIFICATION ).
Summed Up
Cause of JUSTIFICATION is Grace that = Forgiveness
Result is SANCTIFICATION by Obedience that = Holiness
By justification we are saved from the guilt of sin, and restored to the favor of God;
by sanctification we are saved from the power of sin, and restored to the image of God.
John Wesley
"We in Christ equals justification;
Christ in us equals sanctification”.
Martin Luther
"But by repentance and faith we are justified before God, and through divine grace enabled to render obedience to His commandments."
As layed out in the Sanctuary: 
Become Justified (Outer Court
then Sanctified (Inner Court
to be prepared for your Judgment Day (Most Holy Place)
The Apostle Peter Lays out the order of things:
A, B and C follow the Sanctuary Outlay
A) Repent ye therefore, (Justified)
B) and be converted, (Sanctified)
C) that your sins may be blotted out, (in the Judgment)
D) when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord; (Latter Rain)
E) And He shall send Jesus Christ..... (2nd Advent)
Acts 3:19

General Conference format with an elected President for a 4 year
Under the Global General Conference
Divisions, Unions, Local Conferences and individual congregation.

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